Designing the Interface

Humanity’s major achievements in these fields is littered with such

“interfacial energy” and multifaceted talent.

Welcome to our Fusion Workshop

RELOOP is a Fusion Workshop focused on bringing innovative technology, quality and passion to Sustainability solutions in Transport and Construction areas.

RELOOP`s nature is Multi-cultural in its professions, locations and character:

  • Swiss Quality and Technology
  • English Heritage & Design
  • Portuguese Passion

Reloop FUSION Principles for all our projects are:

  • Outstanding Quality
  • Innovative Technology
  • Beauty & Design
  • Sustainability

Actually, Switzerland is the embodiment of our FUSION principles. What seems a complicated conflict of ideas can create the exceptional. Switzerland`s complexity involves 4 languages, neutrality, few natural resources, 20% foreign workforce and an overvalued currency. Today it is a globally respected economic and technological success story having focusing its energy and intellect on its diversity.

Sustainabilty is a major challenge for our planet and forms the core of RELOOP. As Material Scientists, engineers and designers with close links to acedemia and Startups, we are accutely aware of innovative solutions that we can bring to our client`s projects. Our Fusion Workshops are also our laboratories.